It turns out the number 64 is used several times, not just to express the amount of Sato-Servers in the entire structure but also covers the entire planet Earth using geospacial coordinates to the 7th decimal (with close approximation about 1 cm² each). So it is relatable to the homosapiens that care to manage and communicate assets.

Terms We Used:
Earth64: The name of this project and the name of the entire Data Structure that has 2^64 data points interconnected in a binary search tree that is fully saturated, complete and balanced.
NFT: Non Fungible Token - In this document it refers to 2
The ERC-721 or ASA asset (depending on which blockchain it’s on) that points to the software license that carries the bundle of Earth64 Data Structure.
The ultimate NFT Management system that this Earth64 software license is a pillar of and crucial in its creation.
Sato-Server: It’s an NFT Container. Effectively each Sato-Server can carry one single NFT in every block of time. Every data point in Earth64 is referred to as a Sato-Server. If on the top of the tree, aka the root of the tree is Sato-Sever[64, 1] while the leaf level aka bottom level aka level 64 is represented as Sato-Server[0, X] where X is a 64 bit representation. For example
Sato-Server [0, 1000010110010001011101010100100010101001011110101010100001101]
Similarly representing level 13 would look like:
Sato-Server [51, 1010000101010]
DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization is a collection of software code that can have one or more Smart Contract and it operates autonomously.
Smart Contract: software code that operates as per the rules defined at its time of release and can not change for the life of it. Any desired changes by the overall system could adopt a different Smart Contract but if uses the initial one, the execution continues to be deterministic as initially set-up ensuring to all stakeholders a deterministic outcome.
Bundles/Branches: They are used interchangeably to indicate more than one Sato-Server, basically any Sato-Server that isn’t a leaf, can be a bundle. Most prominently the bundles sold by the smart contracts that are also referred to as genesis wallets are at level 13 and there are 1701 of them.
Web 3.0: Is supposedly the next generation of web. While there are many varying definitions of Web 3.0, the common element is that it enables users to own their own valuables without a dependency on third parties. Subsequently this enables peer to peer transactions without third party dependencies.
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